The left image below is my favorite (it also won the class contest for
best image). I used just about every feature of my raytracer for that
one - there is CSG subtraction, spotlights with cone control, reflection,
refraction, solid textures, and it's well anti-aliased (though jpeg compression
adds some artifacts). The only thing missing was soft shadows. You might
notice that the spheres are a little distorted, especially in the reflections
near the bottom of the image. I had the field of view set wrong. Click
for a larger view. The simple right image was an in-progress shot.

The three images below show (left to right) a solid textured sphere,
the same sphere (differnt color) with some CSG subtraction, and a scene
with lots of csg and soft shadows.
Finally, I played with the index of refraction for a transparent sphere.