How do I... compile with debugging symbols? run programs with the debugger? restart a program running in the debugger? exit the debugger? get help on debugger commands?
How do I... stop execution continue execution see where my program stopped? step through my code line-by-line? examine variables? modify variables? call functions linked into my program? return from a function?
How do I... get a backtrace? change stack frames? examine stack frames?
How do I... set a breakpoint on a line? set a breakpoint on a C function? set a breakpoint on a C++ function? set a temporary breakpoint? get a list of breakpoints? disable breakpoints? skip breakpoints?
How do I... set a write watchpoint for a variable? set a read watchpoint for a variable? set a read/write watchpoint for a variable? disable watchpoints?
How do I... How do I examine memory? How do I see what is in the processor registers? How do I debug with a core file? How do I step through my code at the instruction level? How do I see the assembly code my program is running?
Infinite Loop Example Segmentation Fault Example